Thanks to Bobby and Miranda for their hard work in getting these together!

Writing guidelines:

Fragment accepts short fiction, short-shorts (fiction less than 1,500 words), poetry, excerpts of unpublished novels, essays and creative non-fiction. Maximum length of submitted work other than short-short fiction should be no more than 5,000 words.

Authors may submit two ways: via e-mail at or by dropping off a CD at Vineyard Community Church.

Manuscripts for fiction, essays and creative non-fiction should be neatly typed, error-free and double-spaced. If submitting by e-mail, please attach the manuscript in a Microsoft Word document.

Poetry manuscripts should be neatly typed, and stanzas may be single spaced with a paragraph break between.

Profanity or obscene language is not allowed. Manuscripts that hinge on "adult situations" will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Manuscripts may be edited for length, clarity and style.

Submit only your best work. We want our authors to shine, and that can't happen without your best effort.

The premise for fiction, creative non-fiction, essays or poetry does not have to be overtly religious. Fragment is a tool to showcase our literary gifts, but it is not necessarily an outreach tool. The door is open for any subject an author wishes to address.

Art guidelines:

Any type of art (photography, drawing, painting, sculpture, digital art, etc.) will be accepted, but nothing vulgar (no nudity)

For digital submissions (photographs and digital art), resolution must be 300 dpi

Digital submissions can be dropped off at Vineyard on a CD or e-mailed to

Photograph submissions should be in JPG format; non-digital photographs may also be submitted

Other digital art submissions should be in JPG, PDF or EPS format

Non-digital submissions must be in a format that can be photographed for inclusion in Fragment

Non-digital submissions may be dropped off at Vineyard; please do not submit a photograph of your work

Non-digital submissions will be returned as soon as possible after review has been completed